How to succeed in realigning your smile with Invisalign treatment

istock 1189507372 1 Orthodontic work is often a solution for a straighter smile that patients will avoid bringing up to their dentist. This is because patients know how unsightly metal bracket and wire braces can be and want a different way to achieve the smile of their dreams. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler is a dedicated professional in the Houston, TX area who is pleased to offer an alternative treatment that can offer the same results: Invisalign.

How does Invisalign work?

Dr. Heather F. Fleschler describes Invisalign as a treatment for misaligned teeth that uses clear, medical-grade plastic aligner trays in lieu of metal brackets and wires. It can achieve a straighter smile for patients with mild to moderate misalignment of the teeth in the dental arch. This treatment utilizes trays patients wear one at a time for two weeks as they progress through the entire series of trays provided by their dentist. Invisalign trays need to be worn at least 20 hours a day to finish the treatment in the allotted time period quoted by our dental team.

How are the trays made?

First, patients schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Heather F. Fleschler and her team to determine if they are appropriate candidates. Then, digital impressions are taken of the patient’s current smile and transferred to a computer system. The impressions are sent to the Invisalign laboratories where trays are created using the current smile and the proper alignment of the desired final results. The number of aligner trays in a patient’s Invisalign series will vary greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of their misalignment and the number of trays needed to seek the perfect dental arch! Patients who do not comply with treatment may have added costs if new trays need to be fabricated by the Invisalign laboratories, so it is vital that individuals undergo treatment as recommended.

Be one of the millions of Americans who have used Invisalign to improve their smiles!

Dr. Heather F. Fleschler and her team in Houston, TX welcome you to book a consultation visit with the staff to discuss the possibility of obtaining Invisalign to reach your smile goals! Her practice is conveniently located at 5252 Westchester Street, Ste. #200 and can be reached by phone at (713) 660-6500.

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