In addition to being clear and not outwardly visible, like traditional braces, Invisalign aligners can be taken off to eat, they tend to cost less than braces for treatment, they are not visible when worn, so appearance is not affected, and they move a patient’s teeth with less pain and discomfort in the process.
What to Expect
The first step with any Invisalign consultation starts with a dentist’s examination. An orthodontist typically manages the fitting and sizing of Invisalign to ensure the tool is used correctly for the best effect. This type of dentist is going to establish a full plan and schedule for the patient and how the aligners will achieve the desired output in teeth straightening.
Once complete and the aligners are developed and sized to the patient’s mouth, the dentist will follow up regularly to track improvement and when the aligners should be changed to keep the straightening process moving along.
The cost will be noticeably lower than traditional braces and can be funded with a variety of choices, including health savings accounts, payment plans, and more options. While there is still a price involved, patients will find in comparison that Invisalign provides a very good value for the results.
Connecting With a Dentist to Find Out More
If you’re interested in what Invisalign can offer, you can find out more in person with an appointment at the offices of Heather F. Fleschler, DDS, FAGD, and LVIF. Our team is available to go over all the details of Invisalign treatment and how it will impact your particular case and financial plan. With a full evaluation, you will know exactly what to expect as well as how much can be saved versus traditional braces. Call us today at 713-660-6500 to get started, or visit our website at