NuCalm Houston, TX

Houston, TX area Dentist offers NuCalm Service for Anxious Patients

NuCalm Houston, TX At the practice of Dr. Heather F. Fleschler, Houston, TX area patients can obtain a wide range of dental services. However, it can be difficult for some patients to obtain quality care when they have concerns about visiting the dentist. This is called dental phobia and is a common concern. Dental anxiety often keeps patients from getting the treatment they need to achieve and maintain their oral health and wellness. With advanced solutions, patients can avoid medical sedation, and instead enjoy a relaxing experience in the dental chair with the use of NuCalm!

What is NuCalm?

Dr. Heather F. Fleschler is a dentist in the community of Houston that provides NuCalm for patients with dental anxiety. This particular method avoids the need for medication. Instead, it works by combining:

• Topical creams or chewable dietary supplements
• Micro-current stimulation patches
• Headphones for relaxing music
• Eye mask to eliminate visual stimuli

By combining all of these elements, patients can reach a state of calmness and relaxation, similar to the peacefulness patients experience during deep meditation. Many patients find this to be the best way to get through their dental appointments without anxiety, and is a method that allows patients to avoid setting up transportation to and from their appointment.

Who is a candidate for NuCalm?

Any patient who wants to enjoy a blissful experience while having dental work completed is welcome to ask Dr. Heatlher F. Flescher and her team about integrating NuCalm with any dental treatment being performed in the practice. All patients have to do is ask, and our professionals will discuss with patients the benefits of utilizing NuCalm to qualm dental anxieties and create a positive experience in the dental office each and every visit!

Contact Dr. Heather F. Fleschler today to learn more about NuCalm!

Our team of professionals is one of the first in the area to offer NuCalm as a solution for dental anxiety. If you are ready to discuss this as an alternative method to traditional sedation, call the office today at (713) 660-6500 and visit the office at 5252 Westchester Street #200 in Houston, Texas.

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