Relieve Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

One of the most common reasons people avoid getting dental treatments is because of feelings of anxiety or fear.  Dentists are now offering solutions to subdue your anxiety through the use of sedation dentistry.  Dr. Heather Fleschler, a West University sedation dentist, describes this type of dentistry in one word: “relaxation.”

This option is great for people who have a difficult time sitting still or are having several procedures done at once.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

There are two sedation options available at Dr. Fleschler’s office:

  • Oral conscious sedation
  • Nitrous oxide sedation

With oral conscious sedation, you’ll be given a sedative pill the night before your appointment and right before your appointment time. Once the effects have taken hold, you will be relaxed and remain this way for the entirety of your appointment. The effects of the pill usually last about 4-6 hours.  It’s always important that you bring someone to drive you home and help you after your appointment, while your sedation wears off.

Nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as laughing gas, is a colorless, odorless gas that encourages relaxation. The mechanism by which nitrous oxide works is immediate, which means you’ll begin to relax as soon as you inhale it through the nasal mask. After your procedure, you’ll return to normal consciousness as soon as the mask is removed, so there’s no residual drowsiness.

If anxiety and fear keeps you from getting your dental work done, please contact the office of Dr. Fleshler today. We proudly serve the Houston and West University areas.

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