istock 1034931478

The cosmetic benefits of dental bridges

istock 1034931478 Lost teeth can be a challenge for anyone. Whether it happens unexpectedly due to trauma to the smile or periodontal disease, or is a planned extraction, it can be a complicated time for patients who are not quite sure what their options for replacement include. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler of Houston, TX is a dedicated professional who understands how confusing tooth replacement can be, so she offers a variety of choices for patient’s consideration. Many of her patients who are missing one or two teeth in a row may think about the benefits of restorations such as dental bridges.

What is a dental bridge?

The best way to describe a dental bridge is a restoration that uses false teeth to “bridge the gap” left behind from tooth loss. This restoration is made of porcelain to look completely natural after it has been placed in the smile. The prosthetic is fabricated with dental crowns on each end that are placed onto prepared, adjacent teeth, and false teeth in-between to fill the spaces left behind. This restoration is more permanent than a removable partial denture, but less expensive than alternatives such as dental implants.

Why choose a dental bridge?

A dental bridge has several benefits that make it viable for many of our patients. Dental bridges:

  • Provide restoration of the smile in a natural-looking manner
  • Eliminate the need for expensive dental implants
  • Provide more long-term restoration of missing teeth without a removable appliance
  • Look as natural as possible as they are custom-made to match the patient’s existing teeth
  • Restore the functionality needed to chew and speak efficiently
  • Are often covered by dental insurance plans
  • Fill the gaps between the teeth and keep existing teeth from shifting out of place

Is a dental bridge right for you?

If you live in the Houston, TX area and have considered the benefits of dental bridges for your smile, it is time to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Heather F. Fleschler to determine if you are a good candidate. Her facility is located at 5252 Westchester Street, Ste. #200 and can be reached by phone at (713) 660-6500 to request a visit.

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