Preventing stains during Invisalign treatment

istock 1256362486 While traditional metal bracket and wire braces have been around for decades and have helped many patients achieve beautiful smiles, they are not the only option available. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler and her team in Houston, TX are pleased to provide alternatives that can also provide realignment of the smile—without unsightly braces. With the Invisalign system, teenagers and adults can straighten the teeth quickly and effectively while feeling confident throughout the entire process. 

What are the benefits of choosing Invisalign?

Many patients love Invisalign because they trays are easy to use and discreet when in place. Not only can they feel confident in their final results, but they can eliminate the embarrassment often associated with metal bracket and wire orthodontia. Patients straighten their smile without feeling turned off at their smile’s appearance. Invisalign is also comparable in cost with braces, making them the “clear” choice! 

How to prevent stains during Invisalign treatment 

Invisalign uses clear plastic trays that are worn over the teeth. Each tray is worn for two weeks at a time before patients progress to the next one. The result is gradual movement of the teeth within the dental arch to slowly achieve the final results.

Below are a few recommendations to reducing the risk of staining during Invisalign treatment: 

  • Practice good oral hygiene. Patients can remove the trays to easily brush and floss their teeth, maintaining proper oral hygiene and reducing the risk of developing cavities and disease.
  • Avoid certain foods and drinks. Some patients who enjoy coffees, teas, red wines, and soft drinks will find that there is an increased risk in experiencing staining of both the teeth and the Invisalign aligner trays. Patients should avoid consuming these foods and drinks until their treatment is completed, or be sure to brush and floss after consumption and before replacing the Invisalign tray.
  • Cleaning aligner trays. Even though Invisalign trays are worn for a relatively short period of time, they can become stained. Patients will want to soak their trays in a cleansing solution when not being worn to reduce the risk of staining the aligners.

Is Invisalign right for you? 

If you reside in the area of Houston, TX and have considered the advantages of undergoing Invisalign treatment, we welcome you to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Heather F. Fleschler to discuss your options. Potential patients can call our front office team to book an appointment at (713) 660-6500 and visit us at 5252 Westchester Street, Suite #200.

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