Mercury Free and Metal Free Dentistry

The Many Ways in Which a Dentist Can Utilize Composite Resin Bonding

At the practice of Dr. Heather F. Fleschler, patients in the Houston, TX community have access to a wide range of aesthetic dentistry solutions. When the smile is imperfect, and patients need treatment, many turn to their dentist to ask about fast, affordable, and natural-looking restorations. Many patients may desire repair with composite resin bonding.

The many uses of composite resin bonding

Composite resin bonding is a special material that can be shaped and molded in specific ways to address a number of common issues. It can be hardened and polished to look just like natural tooth enamel, blending in beautifully with the natural smile. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler matches composite resin bonding to the patient’s existing teeth to ensure seamless integration. This material is used in many different ways:

  • Composite resin bonding can be used for the treatment of decay. Instead of using materials such as metal or silver amalgam to fill a tooth, fillings can be achieved with composite resin bonding instead. These fillings are reliable, beautiful, and safe for patients.
  • Composite resin bonding can be used in the same manner as a porcelain veneer. Porcelain veneers are ceramic facings that can cover teeth that are imperfect. This may include teeth that are broken, chipped, stained, or spaced. While porcelain veneers may take a few weeks to complete, composite resin bonding can be performed during a single appointment.
  • Composite resin bonding can be used for reshaping a tooth. Teeth that are extremely short or unusually shaped can be repaired using composite resin bonding. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler can add the material to the tooth, shape it in place, harden it with a curing light, and then polish it to create a completely different look.

Want to speak to a dentist about the use of composite resin bonding for your smile?

Take the time to connect with Dr. Heather F. Fleschler today to discuss the benefits of this and other cosmetic treatments available in her Houston, TX area practice. The office is located at 5252 Westchester Street #200 and can be reached by phone at (713) 660-6500.

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