Inlays and Onlays

Using Porcelain Inlays and Onlays Can Be a Great Way to Repair a Tooth

When repairing the smile, it is important to work with a dental professional who has experience in restorative dentistry. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler of Houston, TX has dedicated her practice to offering patients a wide selection of treatment options to consider when it comes to oral health and wellness. Discussing options such as porcelain inlays and onlays is one way to address areas of decay.

What are porcelain inlays and onlays?

Tooth decay can be damaging to the smile. These cavities can bore large holes in the natural tooth enamel that can cause pain and sensitivity for many patients. While many dentists can address these issues with the use of composite resin tooth-colored fillings, some are too large to be treated in this manner. Situations such as these may call for restorations such as porcelain inlays and onlays.

Inlays and onlays are larger pieces of porcelain that can be bonded into or onto a natural tooth that has decay too large to be treated with traditional fillings. Dr. Heather F. Fleschler finds that this may be a more conservative option when compared to a full dental crown. Inlays and onlays are custom-made for patients using strong and beautiful porcelain materials that can be effective in addressing tooth decay.

Why not choose a dental crown?

In restorative dentistry, it is important to be as conservative as possible. While dental crowns may be beneficial for some patients who have very large areas of decay or other dental concerns, they may not always be the most conservative way of caring for a tooth with cavities. With inlays and onlays, our dental team can make smaller restorations that can provide the same benefits as larger ones, without having to remove as much tooth structure. Our dental team will assess your smile and determine if your decay should be addressed with a filling, inlay or onlay, or a dental crown.

Interested in discussing the possibility of porcelain inlays and onlays with your dentist?

Contact Dr. Heather F. Fleschler and her team by calling (713) 660-6500 for an appointment. Her practice is conveniently located at 5252 Westchester Street, Suite #200.

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