
Instant Orthodontics from Our Cosmetic Dentist

Many of our patients are busy people who find it difficult to spend a lot of time at the cosmetic dentist’s office undergoing extensive orthodontic treatment. If you’re seeking a fix for the cosmetic issues that come along with crooked teeth, instant orthodontics might be […]


Many of our Houston-area patients are in serious need of bite alignment correction but are unwilling to get traditional metal braces. Most of these concerns come from people who worry about making a poor impression in their jobs or social lives. Fortunately, Invisalign® is an […]

Neuromuscular Dentistry

You can think of your jaw area as a kind of highway system. There’s an elaborate, interconnected network of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves around your jaw, and pain that begins there doesn’t end there. That’s why it’s so important that Houston-area patients who […]

Sedation Dentistry Risks

Our Houston-area patients with significant, debilitating dental anxiety can find tremendous value in sedation dentistry. Using these techniques, we can put patients into a calm, relaxed, pain-free state and give them the dental procedures they’ve been putting off for too long. However, many of these […]

Everyday Habits to Help Lengthen the Life of Your Teeth

I had my first pain free visit to a Dentist. Dr. Fleschler was extremely patient with me and attentive to my wish not to have pain. I listened to music while she worked with her equally as qualified assistant. This is one visit that I […]

Did you know that swimming pools can have an effect on your teeth?

I had my first pain free visit to a Dentist. Dr. Fleschler was extremely patient with me and attentive to my wish not to have pain. I listened to music while she worked with her equally as qualified assistant. This is one visit that I […]

Drugs versus Diet Soda

Are your teeth better than an addict’s? In a recent controversial study posted by General Dentistry, evidence has led professionals to believe that those with poor dental habits who routinely overindulge in drinking diet soda have severely deteriorated dental health, comparable to methamphetamine or crack […]

How Gum Can Actually Help Your Oral Health

When asked to come up with a list of foods that dentists hate, gum will almost certainly appears in your top five. After all, this sticky, chewy candy can leave your jaw sore and work its way into tricky places in your smile – not […]

How Do You Maintain a Great Summertime Smile?

I had my first pain free visit to a Dentist. Dr. Fleschler was extremely patient with me and attentive to my wish not to have pain. I listened to music while she worked with her equally as qualified assistant. This is one visit that I […]

Set a Good Oral Health Example for Your Child

How much do you think you influence your little one? If you think the answer is “Not much,” guess again. According to a study published by the Journal of Dental Research, parents have an enormous amount of influence on their children, and that extends to […]

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